An enlarged prostate is one of the more common findings in routine physical exams, particularly in those males over forty. Surprisingly, an enlarged prostate may produce no symptoms. Many physicians will, however, recommend an over-the-counter nutritional supplement to return an enlarged prostate to its usual size.

 BP-Qmax is a nutraceutical formulation that contains several natural ingredients, including Saw Palmetto and Beta-Sitosterol, which have been clinically-proven to address the urinary symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate. The nutraceuticals in BP-Qmax are also noted for their lack of side effects such as gastrointestinal disturbances. If such side effects do occur, they can usually be alleviated by taking BP-Qmax with meals.

 Although it has more of an indirect affect on an enlarged prostate, Omega-Core is a nutraceutical that contains the Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. These substances act as antioxidants, help repair inflammation, lower circulating bad cholesterol, and are necessary for normal function of the cell membrane. Omega-Core would thus help to reduce symptoms such as the irritation and inflammation that often contributes to an enlarged prostate.

 An enlarged prostate may also contribute to erectile dysfunction. While taking a formulation similar to BP-Qmax, many men will also their sexual health issues by taking a medically proven product such as TriverexTM MD to enhance sexual performance. As is the case with every product mentioned in this post, TriverexTMMD contains only natural ingredients, all of which are known to be clinically beneficial in improving sexual health.

 Since research continues to show that heart healthy changes are the most effective ways to stop prostate problems like enlarged prostate, many men have also turned to natural products that have been shown to lower bad cholesterol levels and to improve heart function. Aliperol is a nutraceutical formulation of niacin and red yeast rice to lower bad cholesterol, either alone or in conjunction with a prescribed medicine in the “statin” family.

 All bad cholesterol-lowering substances work by impeding the liver’s metabolism of fats into cholesterol. A potential side effect of any cholesterol-lowering product, prescribed or nutraceutical, is a reduction in the liver’s ability to produce a substance known as Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ-10), an enzyme that is vital for energy production inside the cells. Aliperol also contains its own supply of CoQ-10 that has been produced from natural sources and is thus readily available for transport to the body’s cells.

 To wrap things up, there are a number of nutraceutical and dietary supplement products available for addressing the symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate. Furthermore, there are a number of products that, beyond addressing the symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate, will benefit the body’s overall health.

 *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose enlarged prostate, treat enlarged prostate, cure enlarged prostate or prevent enlarged prostate or any disease.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) describes a generalized, non-cancerous, enlargement of the prostate gland. Although the exact cause of BPH remains unknown, medical researchers feel that this condition is most likely due to hormonal changes and is thus a part of the normal aging process. Symptoms of BPH may include frequent urination; difficulty in starting or maintaining a urine stream; a sensation of pressure or “fullness” near the rectum, and chronic bladder infection. Fortunately, there are several nutraceutical preparations available that are effective in addressing symptoms often associated with BPH.


 BP-Qmax contains a combination of three nutraceuticals that have been proven effective with symptoms associated with BPH: Saw Palmetto extract, Beta-Sitosterol, and Pygeum Africanum. Considering that these three naturally-occurring substances have been proven to be effective when they have been used alone, BP-Qmax combines the three with a proprietary anti-inflammatory combination of quercetin, bromelain and papain in order to  provide  users with an effective “Multi-Modal Punch” against urinary symptoms associated with prostate dysfunction and BPH.


 The time until an improvement in BPH symptoms is noted will, of course, vary among the individual users. While some will notice a lessening of symptoms within the first few weeks, it is not uncommon for several months to pass before an improvement will be noticed.

 In summary, many of the urinary and inflammatory symptoms associated with BPH can be controlled (if not totally eliminated) by use of nutraceutical such as BP-Qmax. As an added benefit, the nutraceutical included in this preparation is also beneficial to other bodily systems and thus work to maintain optimal health in the users of these products.

 *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose BPH, treat BPH, cure BPH, or prevent BPH or any disease.